Are You Ready To Align Your Strength & Renew Your Life in 2024?

Or continue treading the familiar path of uncertainty and missed opportunities?

Watch the video above to discover why i created a program that ignites laser-like motivation by uniting drives, planning, action, and satisfaction, after being a teacher and, 25 years ago, a researcher, professor and consultant.



M2 Essentials Intro & Elements + FREE EBOOK

• A guide with concepts and suggested action steps
• A workbook to personalize for energizing and directing your motivation
• Informative materials on key topics
• The unique “Motivator” that replaces ordinary planners
• Explanation and Training videos
• Email access for support and guidance


M2 Advanced Intro & Elements + FREE EBOOK

To explore and develop your motivation engine to the max, the “Advanced” program includes everything in Essentials, plus:
• Two 1-on-1 consultations with John Lord Couper
• MP3 motivation audio sessions
• Additional worksheets
• 2-week followup period


APRIL 1, 2024


Designed specially for today's high stress, low control world. We need the flexibility and benefits of inside out motivation matters now more than ever. This research-based system is the range of strengths that motivate and ensure success. It features personalised components and practical, down to earth information and techniques. These show, step by step, how to release and apply new levels of motivation to shape your future. The unique “venturing” training maximises flexibility and resources-- the best way to transform purpose into impact.
Turn your 2024 into a motivation powerhouse!

How to Get the Pre-Launch Deals

Act fast! This is an exclusive offer for a limited period—Unlock this special discount by simply applying the unique coupon code at the checkout on the next page. Don't miss your chance to join the course at this incredible rate!

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Ready to stop treading the familiar path of uncertainty and missed opportunities? Then this is your time to join this action course at the lowest possible price.


  • Provide a stronger, more practical use of motivation.
  • Show how to reveal and release the full set of deep strengths.
  • Include social aspects, such as co-motivation and reading the drives of others.
  • Train easy, effective ways to increase and focus motivation.


  • Feeling stuck, lost, and stressed in current situation.
  • Loss of confidence and motivation from increasing doubts and pressures.
  • Dissatisfaction with ordinary, vague suggestions about motivation


The only system that deals practically and easily with current barriers to motivation. Its system releases deep strengths in clients, so they will control their lives by venturing instead of reacting.



Current motivation advice is superficial and cliched. Only M2’s fully developed new concept releases varied, deep, practical, personalized ways to inspire motivation, confidence, and proactivity.

In challenging times, it’s tempting to cling to what’s familiar.

But when the world has more stresses than control, we need the remarkable skill called “venturing”. It lets anyone cope, cheerfully and effectively, with what life throws at us. Explode your confidence, find solutions, and forge opportunities.

Venturing is at the beating heart of every great success story. And you'll learn to venture only in the “Motivation Mobilization” program (M2). Step by step, its insights and techniques will make you unstoppable.

And you don't need a 2024 Planner because “The Motivator”— the groundbreaking advance on ordinary planners— energizes every day by unleashing your passions. It's free within M2.

Don't “Leave your comfort zone”... instead, “Enter your Venture zone.”

So turbocharge 2024.

How to Align Your Strength, and Renew Your Life.

Motivation Mobilization (M2 ) Programme Outline

WEEK ONE: Welcome, overview, how to use this and what to expect

1. What motivation is (and isn’t)
a. Natural, but is usually stifled
b. Needed most when problems arise and outside resources are unclear or limited
c. Energy to bridge desire and action

2. The greater the challenge, the more motivation we need
a. With enough motivation, anything is possible; without it, nothing
b. Only Inside-out motivation is strong, reliable, and lasting
- Weakest and strongest motivators
- Contrast from obedience and compliance
c. It is complex, easily released, and stackable
- “Driveset” and how it surpasses Mindset

3. Far beyond ordinary conceptions
a. How this operates in today’s chaotic conditions
b. A success story and the motivations that drove it

Exercise 1: Your Motivation profile

WEEK TWO: Sources of Motivation

1. Inner drives
a. Care for others
b. Outer opportunities, expectations and pressures
c. Self-image and habits

2. The Four Mind Explanation
a. We all know them from talking to ourselves
- Inner talk can be Demotivating or empowering
b. Meet Your Minds
- Much stronger than the standard conscious/subconscious model
c. Each has its own drives and energies
- Together and “syncretic” they seen in heroic and remarkable
- Introduce Driveset
- Controlling with conscious mind ensures disaster
- Conscious mind is the weakest source, but helps implement

Exercise 2: Guided exploration of your Minds

WEEK THREE: How to Reveal and Unleash Motivations

1. What demotivates us
a. Lack of confidence, success, external negativity, external locus
b. Overthinking and analysis paralysis
c. Ordinary planners and external demotivate
d. Just like external sources of hormones
- How can we remotivate ourselves?

2. Review of ordinary motivating techniques

3. A practical new explanation
a. Listen to your body, deep minds

4. Confidence is the key enabler
a. The Four Mind model best increases confidence
b. Alignment of drives is the origin of all great accomplishments

5. Other main factors: clarity, practicality, identity, outcomes

6. Techniques to release and direct motivation
a. Pre-experience
b. Free writing
c. Backward dreaming

Exercise 3: Guided Motivation Mobilization

WEEK FOUR: Make Motivation Work for You

1. Motivation has a social and collaborative dimension
a. We are deeply social, and our motivations are shaped by others

2. “Venturing”: the best way to focus and harness drives
a. Venturing principles
b. Techniques
c. Venturing opens motivation’s doorways

3. The miracle of Co-motivation
a. Motivation is usually treated as isolated/transactional
- But it grows in a nurturing environment
b. How to foster and ensure co-motivation

Exercise 4: Your path forward

Everything in Essentials, plus:
1. Two followup weeks of email motivation coaching
2. Weekly 1-on-1 consultations, based on personalized sheets
3. Bonus documents and worksheets
4. Intensity Method training

You Are In Good Company

Thank you, Dr. Couper, for improving my skills as a media Director. I now travel all around the world and practice my passion.

Abdullah A., Kuwait

Dr. Couper has definitely earned his creds in the field of communication--as a teacher, practitioner and creative thinker. I've seen him in action in the classroom and in workshops. He respects the knowledge and background that learners bring to the process. His flexible and collaborative style make him an excellent mentor.

David M., West Virginia USA

I could always rely on him for professional support, and he eagerly shared resources. He is well-respected, always present for clients, and genuinely loves people.

Elza O-M., Alabama U.S.A

He is an inspiration and role model to me and truly an amazing person. I’m so thankful for Dr. Couper for enlightening my way with his teaching, and making me a responsible and confident person.

Shashi S., Oregon, U.S.A

John always supports ideas, creativity, and having an open mind. He is always very professional and kind, but strict in helping us develop critical thinking about our profession.

Dasha B., Canada

I admire John for his charisma, his affection, his sincere smile and above all for always making us smile. I will always remember his classes. He impressed me very pleasantly, I admire him. Thank you very much for being part of my life.

Teresa M. S., Spain

John shares his experience, insights and understandings freely and we all get to benefit. Underneath is a strong and powerful motivation to contribute, to make things better, and to Understand, along with a refusal to accept things simply because that's how it is. If it's not working, not providing value, John figures out how to improve or change it. A man of deep thought as well as action and experience. What more could one ask for?

Syl S., Arizona USA

There are only a few whose teaching, guidance and support you will never forget and will accompany you for many years ahead. John is definitely one of them. His curiosity for every individual -- is endless, remarkable and inspiring. He sees learning not just as a one-way street relationship, but as mutually beneficial... John made an incredible impact on my life and I am grateful for that from bottom of my heart!

Elina W., Germany

I got to know John 20 years ago and was amazed at how he is always ready to share his knowledge and help you grow. John has so much curiosity and passion for life that it becomes contagious. He teaches me to be better. From John I learned how to make my life a seamless flow of work and fun, discovering passion, creativity and resilience.

Olga B., Indiana U.S.A